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How We Work

Our Collective Impact Process

Prosper Waco's collective impact process involves two phases - Analysis & Action.

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Analysis Phase

In order to address challenges related to education, health, and financial security, Prosper Waco aids community organizations in understanding the particular “landscape” in each area of concern.

Build Relationships

Connecting organizations and individuals in the sectors of our community related
to specific needs.

Align With Community Goals

Connecting organizations and individuals in the sectors of our community related
to specific needs.

Study Best Practice Models

Learning what has worked and not worked in other communities to develop best
responses for Waco.

Identify Change Agents

Determining what individuals and/or organizations can effectively move our community toward positive change.

Action Phase

Support and Expand Ongoing Efforts

Using the 7 elements of Collective Impact to empower new projects pursued within existing organizations.

Incubate New Efforts

Standing up new initiatives when there is no organization to address identified gaps with the intent of eventually spinning off such efforts.

Convene and Host Collaborative Events

Convening community stakeholders to promote collaboration when communication is the primary need.

Await Future Efforts

Recognizing that timing is crucial and with some ideas it is necessary to wait on the will, leadership, and finances necessary to make systemic changes.

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Education & workforce alignment are vital so all Wacoans are on an equitable path for career success.

Hermann Pereira

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