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Strategic Plan: Build public will and leadership

By Dexter Hall

From Strategic Plan:

Prosper Waco builds public will by raising awareness and support for initiative efforts, as well as getting community members to feel empowered to enact change and take action themselves. Prosper Waco does this by working directly in the community on behalf of partners and working through partners to build public will indirectly.

2022-2024 Strategic Actions

  • Build public will to redress disparities in education, health, and financial security by helping the public understand those disparities.

  • Lead the community to take actions to address systemic inequities as determined by developing common agenda activities for change.

  • Involve community leaders and members in information gathering, decision making, and action planning.


The collective impact process calls Prosper Waco to be responsive to the needs and leadership of our community, but also to take initiative in building the public will to tackle some of the problems we face. For example, business leaders in Waco have long expressed our community’s need for a larger and higher-skilled workforce. With the Upskill Waco program, Prosper Waco mobilized existing resources from educational, business, and governmental institutions to address this need. We were able to draw the community’s attention to the need to lower barriers to workforce credentialing by locating the training in neighborhoods and community centers and providing wrap-around services that enable our residents to receive the training they need.

To download and read the full Prosper Waco Strategic Plan follow the link.

Dexter Hall is chief of staff and senior specialist for financial security with Prosper Waco.


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